Georgi Georgiu

    August 26, 1915
    March 11, 1991
    Smolensk, Russian Empire
    Screen Presence

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The Dancer 1994
It's Just Awful! Neighbor 1982
Fruza муж Нонны 1981
A Comedy of Days Gone By 1980
Miracles in the Sieve (voice) 1978
About the Little Red Riding Hood воспитатель 1977
Весна двадцать девятого 1976
Shepherd Yanka Astrologer 1976
Under the Roofs of Montmartre 1975
The Bread Smells of Gunpowder 1974
Cipollino Patison 1973
Большие перегоны Boris Lvovich 1972
Where are you, Knights? Neighbour 1971
"Margarita" is Raging 1970
"Margarita" is Raging Zhorzh Roshchin passazhir 1970
The Brothers Karamazov court assessor 1969
Honore de Balzac's mistake Halperin, banker 1969
A Very Old Story "thick" 1968
Girl on the Ball ringmaster 1967
Rasplyuev's Days of Fun Чванкин 1966
Light of a Distant Star 1965
Obsession Lida's Neighbor 1965
Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures сосед-новосёл с перевязанным горлом, новелла «Наваждение» 1965
Ordinary Wonder министр-администратор 1964
Kak rozhdayutsya tosty 1963
История с пирожками Direktor magazina 1961
Sovershenno seryozno Shop Director (segment "Istoriya s pirozhkami") 1961
Following the Sun парикмахер Кока 1961
Duel 1961
Clear Skies Nikolai Avdeyevich 1961
The Red-Haired Boy 1961
Girl without an Address отвественный квартиросъемщик 1958
In a Quiet Marina 1958
Poet 1957
An Unusual Summer 1957
The Grasshopper Uzdechkin 1955
The Safety Match Police Official (as G. Gyeorgiu) 1954
True Friends 1954
Iniquity 1953
The Parasite 1953
Mussorgsky Gagin 1950
Угрюм-река мистер Кук - инженер, американец <mt>
The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce owner of the «Eureka» restaurant <mt>
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