Sergei Martinson

    February 6, 1899
    September 2, 1984
    Petrograd, Russian Empire
    Screen Presence

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And Life, and Tears and Love Yegoshkin 1984
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2 Mr. Frankland 1981
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles Mr. Frankland 1981
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1 Mr. Frankland 1981
About a Puppy The Raven (voice) 1979
The New Adventures of Captain Vrungel Sir Want 1978
Armed and Very Dangerous 1978
Yaroslavna, Queen of France Episkop Rozhe 1978
Про дракона на балконе, про ребят и самокат Сергей Васильевич 1976
Бенефис Ларисы Голубкиной 1975
Big Attraction Grandpa Matvei 1974
Толик и Тобик (voice) 1974
Города и годы 1974
Бенефис Сергея Мартинсона 1974
Летние сны 1973
The Adventures of Mowgli Tabaqui (voice) 1973
Beetle - Crooked Hill (vioce) 1973
Ruslan and Ludmila Ambassador 1972
Любовь к трём апельсинам Korol 1971
Adventures of Mowgli: Return to Mankind Tabaqui (voice) 1971
How the Donkey Sought Happiness The Lamb (voice) 1971
In the Kingdom of Far Far Away 1970
Время счастливых находок 1970
Adventures of Mowgli: The Fight Tabaqui (voice) 1970
The Beauty Lonely Old Man (as Sergejus Martinsonas) 1969
13 orders pozhiloy chelovek - meloman 1969
Adventures of Mowgli: Akela's Last Hunt Tabaqui (voice) 1969
Улыбнись соседу 1968
Adventures of Mowgli: The Kidnapping Tabaqui (voice) 1968
Half A Hour For Miracles Abrikadabr 1968
Калиф-аист 1968
Uncle's Dream князь Гаврила - дядюшка Мозглякова 1967
Adventures of Mowgli: Raksha Tabaqui (voice) 1967
The Tale of Tsar Saltan Opekun Saltana 1966
The Sleeping Lion 1965
The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish дядина 518 1965
You Can't See What You Have Seen Prince Boris 1965
Thirty-three Valentin Petrovich, Roza's father 1965
The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep 1964
Moscow – Genova 1964
Thumbelina (voice) 1964
The Bicycle Tamers Георг Сибуль - старый гонщик 1964
A Tale of Lost Times Prokoifi 1964
Daughter of the Sun (voice) 1963
The Wild Swans The Monk (voice) 1962
Funny Stories дядя с собакой 1962
Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka Osip Nikiforovich 1961
Valuable Kopeck Cent (voice) 1961
Wind of Freedom tavern keeper 1961
Scarlet Sails Filipp 1961
The Key Dragon head III(voice) 1961
Cipollino prince Lemon / Soldiers Limonchiki (voice) 1961
Спасите наши души 1960
It Was I Who Drew the Little Man человечек, нарисованный мелом / восьминогое животное 1960
Proizvedenie iskusstva Иван Николаевич, доктор 1960
Black Sea Girl Omelskiy 1959
В нашем городе 1959
The Boy from Napoli (voice) 1958
The Idiot Lebedev 1958
The Secret of the Far Away Island The Doctor (voice) (as V. Martinson) / Доктор (в титрах указан как В. Мартинсон) 1958
The Cat's House Cock (voice) 1958
Petia and Little Red Riding Hood Narrator (voice) 1958
The Snow Queen Karraks (voice) 1957
The Sword and the Dragon Mishatychka 1956
Crazy Day Miusov 1956
A Million in the Sach 1956
The Enchanted Boy Rat (voice) 1955
Attack from the Sea Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies 1953
The Magic Voyage of Sinbad The Monk 1953
Przhevalsky 1951
The Unforgettable Year 1919 Sluzhashchiy ministerstva 1951
The Second Caravan 1950
Polcan and Shavka Shavka (voice) 1948
The Third Blow Adolf Hitler 1948
Champion The Wolf (voice) (uncredited) / Волк (нет в титрах) 1948
Secret Agent Willi Pommer 1947
The Lost Letter witch (voice) 1945
Silva Boni 1944
Wedding Ять (телеграфист) 1944
We from the Urals 1943
The New Adventures of Schweik 1943
Lermontov Baron de Barante 1943
Teacher Kartashova 1943
The Magic Seed 1942
Young Partisans 1942
Швейк готовится к бою 1942
Collection of Films for the Armed Forces #6 Нази - пилот (новелла "Ненависть") 1941
Anton Ivanovich Gets Angry Kerosinov, composer 1941
Wind from East Stefan 1940
The Golden Key Duremar 1939
Друзья из табора 1938
Marionettes Sol - The Hairdresser 1934
Diary of a Revolutionist Col. Belov 1932
The Overcoat портной Петрович 1926
The Adventures of Oktyabrina Coolidge Kerzonovich Poincaré 1924
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Mr. Frankland <mt>
Adventures of Mowgli шакал Табаки <mt>
Memories of Sherlock Holmes Mr. Frankland <mt>
В стране ловушек волшебник <mt>
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