Vasili Merkuryev

    April 6, 1904
    May 12, 1978
    Ostrov, Pskov Governorate, Russian Empire [now Pskov Oblast, Russia]
    Screen Presence

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The Great Tamer Vasily Vasilyevich 1974
Kseniya, Fyodor's Beloved Wife personnel manager 1974
Faithful Friend Sancho 1974
Moscow-Cassiopeia академик Благовидов 1974
Here Is Our House 1974
Farewell to Sankt Petersburg 1971
Late Child 1971
The Seven Brides of Lance-Corporal Zbruyev Vasiliy Lukyanov 1970
A Nest of Gentry Gedeonovsky 1969
Exam for Rank 1969
Roll call 1966
Новогодний календарь 1966
The Whistle Stop Pavel Pavlovich 1963
I Accept the War 1963
Be Happy, Ani! Andrey Petrovich 1963
Cherry Town Drebednyov 1962
Happy Birthday Gromov 1962
Chronicle of Flaming Years 1961
The Girl With Whom I Was Friends Uncle Kolya 1961
A Summer to Remember Дядя Костя 1960
A Sleepless Night Snegiryov 1960
Горячая душа 1960
People on the Bridge Ivan Bulygin 1960
Пучина 1958
In a Quiet Marina Aleksandr Lukich Pushkov 1958
The Cranes Are Flying Fyodor Ivanovich Borozdin 1957
An Ordinary Man Ladygin 1957
Behind the Footlights Lev Gurych Sinichkin 1956
Twelfth Night Малволио 1955
World Champion Fyodor Bessonov 1955
Гвоздь программы 1955
Did We Meet Somewhere Before 1954
True Friends Nestratov 1954
The Honor of Comrade 1953
The Forest Ivan Petrovich Vosmibratov 1953
The Encounter of a Lifetime 1952
The Unforgettable Year 1919 Bryzgalov 1951
The Miners of Donetsk Gorovoi 1951
The Battle of Stalingrad Col. Gen. Voronov 1949
The Star Anikanov 1949
Story of a Real Man Stepan Ivanovich 1948
Cinderella Forester 1947
The Sky Slow-Mover Senior Lieutenant Semyon Tucha 1946
The Vow Gen. Nikolai Voronov 1946
The Great Glinka Jacob Ulanov Ulyanich 1946
Sons Karlis, the Mechanic 1946
Naval Battalion Captive SS Officer 1946
Tanker "Derbent" 1941
Song about Friendship 1941
Member of the Government Сташков 1940
Patriot Fellow Traveler 1939
Guest 1939
Surgery 1939
Танкисты полковник фон Хартен 1939
Komsomolsk военный представитель 1938
Professor Mamlock Franz Krauss 1938
The Return of Maxim Menshevik student 1937
The Girlfriends postman (uncredited) 1936
Федька Luke 1936
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