Yuri Puzyryov

    May 6, 1926
    May 24, 1991
    Serebryanye prudy, Moskovskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR
    Screen Presence

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The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks rasskazchk/loshad (voice) 1991
Мисс Новый год Медведь 1991
The Barrel 1990
Pickpocket 1990
Easy Steps 1989
Here There Be Tygers 1989
Записки Пирата голос за кадром 1989
Энергичные люди «Чернявый» 1988
Light Bread 1987
On the Eve of Departure Трофим Романович Графов 1986
Rubik's Cube 1985
Nayda 1984
The Firebird Narrator (voice) 1984
Hunter and His Son 1983
Горе не беда Rasskazchik/loshad (voice) 1983
The Son of the Stone 1982
Великий самоед 1982
Look Out, Snake! mayor Shcherbakov 1979
Aniskin Again 1978
Poslednyaya nevesta Zmeya Gorynycha Tsar (voice) / царь Аникей 1978
Special forces unit 1978
Contraband 1975
Призвание 1975
What a Smile You Got Kirill 1974
Северный вариант 1974
My Destiny Осмоловский 1974
Privalov's Millions 1973
Yulka 1972
Adventures of Mowgli: Return to Mankind 1971
The Ambassador of the Soviet Union Morozov 1970
Adventures of Mowgli: The Fight 1970
Adventures of Mowgli: Akela's Last Hunt 1969
Belated Flowers Egorushka 1969
Adolescence 1968
Let's Remember This Day Pyotr Kamlyuk 1968
Poem About the Ax 1968
Adventures of Mowgli: The Kidnapping Akela (voice) 1968
Direct Line Pyotr Yakovlevich 1967
Adventures of Mowgli: Raksha Akela (voice) 1967
Kurochkin's Birthday (voice) 1967
A Minute of History 1964
Confession Андрей 1962
The Blind Musician Joachim 1961
...Смена начинается в шесть 1959
По ту сторону Бесайс 1958
Duel 1957
Ekaterina Voronina Zhenya Kulagin 1957
The Bride 1956
Sea is Calling 1956
Devotion 1954
Marine Hunter leytenant Korolkov 1954
Adventures of Mowgli Акела <mt>
Shadows of the Old Castle <blank> <mt>
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