James Cruze

    March 27, 1884
    August 3, 1942
    Ogden, Utah, USA
    Screen Presence

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Johnny Get Your Gun The Duke of Bullconia 1919
Under the Top 'Foxy' Stillmore 1919
Photoplay Magazine Screen Supplement #6 Himself 1919
The Source Langlois 1918
Less Than Kin Jinx 1918
The City of Dim Faces Wing Lung 1918
Believe Me, Xantippe Simp Calloway 1918
Hidden Pearls Koro Leon 1918
Nan of Music Mountain Gale Morgan 1917
The Call of the East Janzo 1917
The Web of Life Tom Wilson 1917
The Slave Mart Jack Spaulding 1917
The Snowbird Bruce Mitchell 1916
His Guardian Auto Billy Budd - Auto Owner 1915
The Patriot and the Spy Pietro 1915
The Heart of the Princess Marsari The Indian Prince 1915
Zudora Hassam Ali / Jim Baird, Reporter 1914
From Wash to Washington Diana's Sweetheart 1914
A Dog of Flanders 1914
The Mohammedan's Conspiracy Lord Trevor 1914
The Cat's Paw Lord Trevor 1914
Joseph in the Land of Egypt Joseph 1914
The Woman Pays James Dacres 1914
The Million Dollar Mystery Jim Norton - Newspaper Reporter 1914
The Legend of Provence Sir Henry 1913
Little Dorrit Little Dorrit's Father 1913
The Top of New York The Sergeant 1913
Tannhäuser Tannhauser 1913
The Caged Bird The King 1913
The Idol of the Hour The Young Artist 1913
The Marble Heart Raphael 1913
The Dog in the Baggage Car The Actor 1913
When Ghost Meets Ghost Ghost in Armor 1913
The Woman Who Did Not Care The Scarecrow / The Nobleman 1913
Cymbeline Leonatus 1913
For Her Boy's Sake The Wife 1913
Her Neighbor 1913
His Heroine 1913
Good Morning, Judge A Young Clubman 1913
When the Studio Burned Self 1913
The Dove in the Eagle's Nest The Eagle 1913
Napoleon's Luck Stone The Clerk 1913
The Tiniest of Stars The Musician 1913
A Militant Suffragette John Strong, Mary's Fiancé 1912
Star of Bethlehem Micah / Joseph 1912
The Other Half The Father 1912
The Forest Rose Albert as an Older Man, Rose's Lover 1912
Lucile Lord Alfred 1912
Cross Your Heart The Little Boy Grown Up 1912
Put Yourself in His Place Edith's Husband 1912
In a Garden Jack as an adult 1912
The Woman in White Sir Percival Glyde 1912
Letters of a Lifetime A Dying Bachelor 1912
But the Greatest of These Is Charity The Rich Father 1912
Undine Huldbrand, the Knight 1912
The Russian Mute The Father 1912
Pa's Medicine The Doctor 1912
Whom God Hath Joined The Husband 1912
The Ring of a Spanish Grandee 1912
Jess Captain John Neil 1912
Love's Miracle The Convict / Lover 1912
The Cry of the Children The working father 1912
Rejuvenation The Millionaire 1912
Into the Desert The Arab 1912
The Girl of the Grove 1912
For Sale -- A Life The Wealthy Young Clubman 1912
Flying to Fortune The Daughter's Sweetheart 1912
East Lynne Archibald Carlyle 1912
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde 1912
She Leo Vincey / Kallikrates 1911
David Copperfield Steerforth 1911
Back to Nature Joe Jackson 1911
The Pied Piper of Hamelin 1911
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