Klara Luchko

    July 1, 1925
    March 26, 2005
    Chutovo, Poltavskaya oblast, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
    Screen Presence

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Park of the Soviet Period 2006
Eyes 1992
Однажды в декабре 1988
About Love, Friendship and Destiny 1987
Ваш специальный корреспондент Марианна Сергеевна Дрэган 1987
Return of Budulai Klavdiya 1986
Непохожая Yuliya Mikhaylovna 1985
Тётя Маруся 1985
Once Upon A Time There Was A Brave Captain 1985
Before We Part Antonina 1984
Investigator by Profession 1984
Fateful Sunday Golowina 1983
Carnival Josephine Viktorovna 1981
Poor Masha 1981
We, the Undersigned Violetta Matveyevna Nuikina 1981
Code name "Southern Thunder" Masha 1980
The Casket of Maria Medici Madeleine Locart 1980
Gypsy Klavdiya 1980
Don't Leave Your Lovers мать Ларисы Кирилашвили 1980
There, Beyond the Horizon Bochazhnikova 1976
Гнев 1974
Country House 1973
Подзорная труба Мама 1973
Hot Trails Екатерина Васильевна 1971
I'm Coming to You... Olga Kobylianska 1970
The Guardian Любовь Петровна 1970
Dreams of Love Marie D'Agoult 1970
New Year's Abduction 1970
Uncle's Dream 1967
Чужое имя Olga Pavlova 1966
Заблудший 1966
State Offender Nina Semenova 1964
Мелодии Дунаевского 1963
Four Winds of Heaven Doctor Natalia Guseva 1962
A Snow Fairy Tale Black Soul 1960
Life in Your Hands Nastya 1959
Red Leaves (as K. Luchko) 1958
Next to us 1957
Hostile Whirlwinds Dagmara 1956
Twelfth Night Виола / Себастьян 1955
A Big Family Lida 1954
The Return of Vasili Bortnikov Natalya Dubko 1953
The Miners of Donetsk 1951
Cossacks of the Kuban Dasha Shelest 1950
Tri vstrechi Bella 1949
Life in Bloom Pashkevich's guest (uncredited) 1949
The Young Guard Marina 1948
To Remember Narrator <mt>
Профессия - следователь Valentina Semyonovna - vdova akademika Vekshina <mt>
Цыган Клавдия Петровна Пухлякова <mt>
Возвращение Будулая Клавдия Пухлякова <mt>
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