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Grave Mistakes









Production Design






Emotional Impact


Overview: When a grave robber tries to barter with a strange antiques dealer, the two trade stories rather than goods. Tales of zombies, vampires, and ghosts are told upstairs while an unspeakable horror waits in the basement.

Director: Chris LaMartina

Release Date: 2008-10-21

Genres: Horror Comedy

No reviews
Ryan Scott Thomas Mr. Burke
D. Patrick Bauer Al (segment "A Picture's Worth a Thousand Screams")
John Latchford Beck The Shopkeeper (as John Beck)
Leanna Chamish Paula (segment "Dead Men Do Tell Tales")
Mike Baldwin Carl (segment "Sleep When You're Undead")
Kelly Coston Janice (segment "Last Kill and Testament")
Lee Doll Dr. Weinberg (segment "Sleep When You're Undead")
AJ Hyde Patrick (segment "Sleep When You're Undead")
Shane Elliott Mummy
Fred Hahn Robert Marshall (segment "Last Kill and Testament")
Lindsay Hanson Victorian Vixen (segment "Sleep When You're Undead")
Jimmy George Benjamin Porter (segment "Dead Men Do Tell Tales")
Virginia House Susan Marshall (segment "Last Kill and Testament") (as Virginia Frank)
Mark J. Kilbane Roger (segment "Dead Men Do Tell Tales")
Chris LaMartina Dante (segment "Last Kill and Testament")
Mary Fay LaMartina Mother (segment "Sleep When You're Undead")
Justin Lanham Ghost (segment "A Picture's Worth a Thousand Screams")
Sheldon Lawrence Professor Gauntheim (segment "Dead Men Do Tell Tales")
Cindy Marie Martin Nadine (segment "A Picture's Worth a Thousand Screams")
Brian Fountain Murray Brady (segment "A Picture's Worth a Thousand Screams")
Mary Jane Oelke Ms. Bennett (segment "A Picture's Worth a Thousand Screams")
Jess Owen Vampire (segment "Sleep When You're Undead")
Vince Saulsbury Vampire Expert (segment "Sleep When You're Undead")
Chris Stewart Story Heroine (segment "Dead Men Do Tell Tales")
George Stover Alan Marshall (segment "Last Kill and Testament")

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