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Lady Psycho Killer









Production Design






Emotional Impact


Overview: A doe-eyed knife-wielding killer is on the loose in a small town slicing and dicing men of questionable intent left and right. As her brutality leaves a town littered with corpses, her unquenchable blood-lust is lost on her young lover who is willing to pursue her regardless of the obvious warning signs of psychosis. Will he meet his end at the end of her blade? She decides who lives or dies!

Release Date: 2015-08-02

Genres: Horror Drama Comedy


Full Review Page

Lady Psycho Killer is one of the most scatter brained movies I have seen. I realize that it's trying to be both a horror and a comedy, but no one here seems to understand tone or timing. In the Child's Play movies, Chuckie is terrifying and also able to offer some comic relief. Lady Psycho Killer just randomly throws in a couple of "Oh boy, I get nervous around pretty girls" and odd sexual innuendos. I can dig the idea of a female serial killer that gets off on murder, but they do it all wrong. It's never quite certain whether Ella is supposed to be likable or relatable. She's a terrible person who is sexist and hypocritical, but I think that they think we think she's funny or compelling and she isn't. Kate Daly, who plays Ella, is okay sometimes, but whenever it's time for her narration, she does a terrible job. Her actual acting is never full believable, but it's not awful, but when she is only doing a voice over, she over act and feels almost cabaret. Dennis Andres, who plays her love interest, is actually pretty good. They don't give him much to work with, but he is the only character that I actually believe, everyone else is awful. Somehow, they managed to get Malcolm McDowell, a real actor who has been in actual movies, and give him the worst script that he can't possibly salvage. I guess the cinematography was alright and everything was clear, but the story zips around with no sense of pacing and very minimal as far as actual story beats. There are so many stupid little things they get wrong that just prove they weren't putting in 100%. They are at crowded night club and there is only one car in the parking lot? They pull up to a hotel (apparently the local hotel has the best bar) and just park in front of it, blocking the road. There is no Valet, so you can't just park your car there, that's not how it works. There is a lot of stabbing, but the amount of damage a single stab does widely varies, because I guess no one has seen a slasher film before? The main plot line is largely tangential to just watching Ella stab guys and we don't get a real conclusion, not that we had a believable beginning or anything really in the middle. Ella is in Psych 101 in college and the teacher is a punk rock guy so he tells everyone that he's not into all this attendance, grades, and work stuff so he says there is one assignment for the only grade in the class, a presentation and three thousand page report on you doing something "out of the sexual norm". Okay, fine, but what are you doing during class. Ella has readings to do for the class and he appears to be lecturing, but none is this is important to the paper and why is the class full every time we see it if all you have to do is show up one more time to do your presentation and turn in your paper? And how is killing guys for no reason doing something outside of the "sexual norm"? Yeah, she gets her jollies by stabbing men, but it's not related to a "sexual norm" and how can the university condone the assignment in general? Lady Psycho Killer is a complete mess and the best part is that is only lasts 80 minutes: the story sucks, the acting is almost universally bad, and there aren't any cool or even realistic kills. Even the editing is weird with a couple of scenes ending with a freeze frame that fades into the next scene while inappropriate pop music plays (the poorly matched soundtrack is another huge issue). I mean, they hired Ron Jeremy to act and a really rough looking Michael Madsen as a college professor. Lady Psycho Killer feels like something that a group of friends put together over Spring Break, at least partially to get a pretty girl to talk to them.

By : Greg Mueller | Date : 4 years ago

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