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It Comes at Night









Production Design






Emotional Impact


Overview: Secure within a desolate home as an unnatural threat terrorizes the world, a man has established a tenuous domestic order with his wife and son, but this will soon be put to test when a desperate young family arrives seeking refuge.

Release Date: 2017-06-09

Genres: Drama Horror Mystery


Full Review Page

Having heard (over and over) the joke that "nothing comes at night", I was prepared for a much more psychological thriller kind of movie than a blockbuster horror movie. The acting is great (minus Kelvin Harrison Jr., but that is more that he has a shittily written character and not a knock on his abilities) and there was some really fun cinematography and the first hour was a solid start. The last thirty minutes is where 100% of my problems arise. I really don't want to spoil anything, but It Comes at Night really needs more time. The first hour feels like a pilot episode and the last half hour feels like the network told the crew that the show is canceled so they have one more episode to close everything down. We slowly and carefully build the premise for sixty minutes and then we turn the corner and realize we've run out of track (like in a cartoon) and drive right off a cliff. I can deal with unanswered questions and ambiguity, but It Comes at Night just kind off rocket-boosts through the final act in the most unsatisfying and haphazard way. If all you want is to be able to write a dissertation about what the "It" is that comes at night, than good for you, enjoy the movie, but my first priority is the plot, which gets thrown into a paper shredder and just kind of ends. There needs to be more, not necessarily more answers, but more plot, more story. Not enough happens and there is the distinct feeling that there is supposed to be so much more happening between beginning and end. I figured I was maybe almost halfway through the film and I checked and saw there was only ten minutes left (including credits). I can't even make the blue balls allusion; it's sixty minutes of lighting scented candles and struggling to get your phone to connect to the blue tooth speaker so you can start the romantic playlist you spent all day curating and then after your dinner of aphrodisiacs and fancy wine, she tells you she has an early morning meeting with her boss at work so she's going to bed right now. Baby, we just barely laid the groundwork for loving and now you're just going to skip the sleeping? Trey Edward Shults lays a great foundation, but just doesn't build the house. It's a great slab of concrete, darn near perfect, but I wanted a house. Give me a house.

By : Greg Mueller | Date : 4 years ago

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