Reviewed by: Greg Mueller

Greg's Score:









Production Design






Emotional Impact



Schindler's List is damn near perfect. The acting from ever actor was great (even the child actors weren't bad) from the main cast to the extra you can just barely see in the top-right corner. The plot and script are realistic and so well paced that had no issue with the over three hour length (and I hate it when movies go over two hours). The score was perfectly understated and added to the scenes instead of overpowering and manipulating them. I'm not a fan of black and white, but the way Spielberg uses it is genius and makes a few emotional moments so much more powerful. I do question why the characters switch between English and German, though. Surely German soldiers wouldn't be speaking English conversationally to each other, so I assumed that they spoke in English because it's a Western movie, so why do they still speak German when giving commands or in random conversations? The subtitles don't even translate them. There were a few scenes that could be trimmed or eliminated. These issues are very minor an do very little to detract from the film. The most impressive part of Schindler's List is how expertly they ride the very thin line between being historically accurate with the atrocities of the Holocaust and becoming borderline torture porn; they have truly horrible scenes, but they showed restraint and didn't make it gratuitous as a less talented writer/director would have done. Schindler's List captivating and affecting on a whole other level.

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  2. at HandleExceptions->handleError('2', 'file_put_contents(): Only 0 of 281 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space', '/var/www/fadviews/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php', '81', array('path' => '/var/www/fadviews/storage/framework/sessions/a39c0fadb1eec71a6fe0a6345511ceaf6b18ad02', 'contents' => 'a:4:{s:6:"_token";s:40:"oL20Cf4boUF2W7J5KcVOMlmlkS0J4t362RzjX1wF";s:9:"_previous";a:1:{s:3:"url";s:44:"";}s:9:"_sf2_meta";a:3:{s:1:"u";i:1715394261;s:1:"c";i:1715394261;s:1:"l";s:1:"0";}s:5:"flash";a:2:{s:3:"old";a:0:{}s:3:"new";a:0:{}}}', 'lock' => true))
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  6. at Store->save() in StartSession.php line 88
  7. at StartSession->terminate(object(Request), object(Response)) in Kernel.php line 138
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