Reviewed by: Greg Mueller

Greg's Score:









Production Design






Emotional Impact



Hider in the House is just a group of camera men following Gary Busey around for a couple of days. I know it says it's a movie, but I'm pretty sure it's a documentary. Seriously though, Hider in the House is nothing like what I thought. I still liked the movie, but I though it was about a family who eventually discovers that somebody is living it their walls. Hider in the House is actually from Gary Busey's point of view as he lives in a hidden room he built in their attic and you spend the next hour and forty minutes grimacing, just waiting for the climax. All of the acting was good (the boy was surprisingly good), although I'm still not convinced that Busey was acting. There are a lot of bits where it's so unrealistic that it pulls you out a little bit, but there are also parts that are hilarious, even though the movie is played seriously. Busey is constantly staring through the middle of a window, pacing back and forth across the creaky floor of their attic, no one notices that there is an attic window that they can see from the outside that they can't see inside (it is literally never mentioned) no one notices the light in his room shining the window, the hidden door, or the air vent, and no one ever sees his face through the vent. There are multiple times where characters do things that make no sense, but if you take it upon yourself to not take the film seriously, it's pretty fun. It's very stupid and unrealistic, but the central idea of the film is so compelling that I was willing to overlook most things just to see how it plays out. It's not really a horror film (I guess it's suspense or maybe a thriller), but I watched it on the same day I re-watched The Conjuring and Hider in the House has way more tension. Is it a good movie? Absolutely not; it's completely ridiculous. It is, however, a blast if you are willing to laugh when a man with some kind of mental issue is stuck in a hidden room when the exterminator comes to spray, thinking the noises in the wall are from a rat and not a full grown Gary Busey. This is one of those movies you will be introducing friends to, just to see the look on their face when adult Gary Busey sits in a stranger's attic coloring pictures of his childhood. Classic.

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